texas n. 1.德克萨斯〔美国州名〕。 2.〔美国〕(内河轮船的)最高甲板舱。 n. 〔美国〕(内河轮船的)最高甲板舱。
Software developer , texas advanced computing center ,软件开发人员
Director , texas advanced computing center ,软件开发人员
Is a tool being researched and developed at the texas advanced computing center 是一个正在由texas advanced computing center进行研究和开发的工具。
Maytal dahan is a software developer in the distributed and grid computing group at the texas advanced computing center tacc at the university of texas at austin Maytal dahan是德州大学奥斯汀分校的德州高级计算中心( tacc )分布式与网格计算小组的一名开发人员。
The Texas Advanced Computing Center (TACC) at the University of Texas at Austin, United States, is a research center for advanced computational science, engineering and technology. TACC is located on UT's J.